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Saturday, June 20, 2009

Fuel Saving Source for diesel trucks, homes

HHO heating home or truck diesel units for fuel savings great concept and fuel source. The units separate the hydrogen from the water and then burns it as the fuel. If installed correctly it is an incredible heat source and fuel saving device. It is both low in cost and environmentally friendly.

The HHO concept has triggered great controversy among many, but if its installed correctly whether in a diesel as an enhancer or home I can truthfully say it works. There are units and designs which do work better for many reasons but, if you are using a well built and correctly built unit you will be very happy with it.

HHO will change the way many people heat there homes. Water is an abundant and efficient energy source, it is only logical to utilize this gas to its practical purpose. Most units use as much power as an average home computer and will effectively heat an area of over 1000 square feet, depending on the unit size. With record cold and sky rocking heating bills water is the practical solution for all of us. It will help decrease the amount of fossil fuels being used for home heating and the unit itself burns absolutely clean. The only emission is heat and a small amount of moisture when some of the hydrogen recombines with oxygen to once again form water.

HHO is definitely a future fuel system that should be quickly adopted. Many people all over the world have home built or purchased working devices creating HHO gas for there heating source using little power any very little money.

Disassociating water into H and O have been known about and proven for over 20 years.
There is no expense in creating HHO gas, and there is no need to store it under high pressure as it can be safely created on-site, at low pressure, on demand. Using self-generated HHO to power our trucks or heating our homes is no more dangerous than using gasoline.

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