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Saturday, August 29, 2009

2009 Salt Sanders, Salt Spreaders,sander lights

As the Snow season approaches preparing to be sure your snow plowing equipment is ready to go is time well spent. Be sure to take the time to clean, fix, update and safety check all your equipment.

Depending on the type of salt and sand spreader you may have installed, as they come in many styles, sizes and the placement may vary. You should as well as being sure its in proper working order, also add safety features to the back of the equipment. Having good quality safety reflectors will avoid collisions and keep your equipment and yourself safer.
Always remember when your plowing and it’s dark and snowy, other vehicles have a hard time seeing you. The sanders in most cases like the snowplows blade’s edge extends past the trucks body. They are not easily seen which cause accidents .

If your in the market to purchase a new sander or salt spreader be aware there are so many to chose from be sure to ask around before you purchase one for you truck. Many complain of jam ups and not achieving even distribution