Every body is looking for ways to make a atv snowplows. The truth is that they are many
and many different designs, the reason being, the different atv mounting designs for different models.
The best approach is to look up a plow for your atv and see how it is attached and fabricated
for you specific unit. In some cases it is best just to buy one from the manufactuerer and in other
it is best to make one.
Here are a few videos from you tube of people showing off there designs and applications. Keep in mind that if some parts are hard for you to make but others are easy, Then buy the ones that are hard and make the ones you can make for your atv plow. They are companies out there that will sell different plow parts for your atv plow instead of having to buy a cmplete atv snow plow kit.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Home Made ATV snow plows
Saturday, December 11, 2010
How To Snow Plow,Today
As is the case with many weather-related activities, snow plowing a lot takes practice. Below are some pointers to make certain you complete the job efficiently and swiftly, without influencing your plowing equipment.
Some Things you will need to Plan ahead.
If a giant amount of snowfall is predicted, get out early and start removing the snow before it gets too deep. Plowing a lot full of deep snow is possible but can be particularly laborious.
Set a particular goal apropos what quantity of the lot should be cleared. If at all practicable plow the lot vertically. This minimizes the necessity to maneuver an awkward snowplow around short turns.
Remember , vertical plowing also reduced the time required to plow each lot reducing and lessens the quantity of damage on the van and plow.
Move your plow to push the maximum amount of snow per pass. Usually , making an attempt to make the second and successive passes in a lot needs attempting to plow only about half the width of the plow per pass. Attempting to start each pass with a full blade is not productive as snow falls off the side of the blade into the area already cleaned.
Move the snow as far off the lot as practicable. This may be done to accommodate additional snowfall. Keep your speed down, particularly in unfamiliar lots or when nearing curbs.
Make sure you do not pile the snow in any entrance or exits to any parking lots. You do not want block the site distance for vehicles to see when pulling onto a road.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Snowplows And Driving Safely
Snowplows And Driving Safely
Winter is now in full swing and Snowplows on the roads and highways are traveling on all roadways through out the country. Taking time to review safety facts and cautions for drivers is
Very important to keeping drivers and snow plow operators safe.
Follow these rules to stay safe:
Be sure to always yield to snowplows. They travel slower than the posted speed limit and usually Slower then the traffic around them.
Always give snowplows extra space to maneuver and do their jobs. Snowplows can often make turns, u turns, lane changes and suddenly slow down without to much notice.
Avoid passing snowplows unless it is truly necessary and safe enough to do so.
Never try passing on the right or through a snow cloud. The visibility is very low and will almost lead to an accident.
When passing a snow plow remember the road usually is more treacherous then the roadway behind the plow.
It is important to remember the snowplow blade is wider then the a snowplow itself anywhere from 4-24 inches wider, the extended edge is very hard to see when hidden by snow discharge during use.
On rural and narrow roads these blades take up more than half the roadway.
Be Patient, alert and maintain a safe distance from the plow and other drivers. There are just to many avoidable accidents during snow storms which sometimes have to do with lack of understanding and lack of assessment of a situation that may put you in harms way.
Visit www.edgeolite.com for more safety information and safety products or email us at
Monday, December 6, 2010
Snowplows Are You Buying A Snowplow?
During the last couple of years the snowplow industry has changed a lot, generally because of the advent of one or two new releases which make snowplowing less complicated, quicker, and safer.
The arrival of these new releases is a two rimmed foil ; yes it makes things less complicated, but simultaneously it also makes the method of choosing a snowplow a bit more to consider.
Some of the things that you've got to consider include the following : should I get a straight-blade or multi-position snow plow? Is it significant if the blade is steel or poly? How straightforward is it to use and detach the plow? Are the hydraulics trusty and are the controls easy to utilize? Does the product have bright enough lights? Is there a good warranty on the plow? There are also plows that do not need hydraulics.
These are some examples of the things you wish to know beforehand and we intend to endeavor to offer you as much info as practical to get you going. For most folks who are just using the unit for clearing their own drive, a straight-blade will quite likely be absolutely fine. But if you use it to earn income then you may need to be in a position to get the job done fast and efficiently, so you might need to go with the multi-position.
Multi-position plows are up to fifty percent quicker down to the fact you can reposition the blades to all straight-blade positions as well as the scoop and V positions.
This makes the plow flexible to virtually any job you have to do. When talking about the composition of the blade you have got the choice between steel and poly.
The overwhelming majority of snowplows on the current market come with steel blades, though the poly plows are becoming more popular . The reason behind the growing popularity is that poly is just as powerful as steel and perhaps stronger. They also have a lower coefficient of friction, which saves on fuel costs and is simpler on your truck.
The poly plows are also brimming with color all of the way thru so nicks and scratches don't show like they do with steel, and they do not rust.
Attaching and detaching the plow is highly important as well. You do not need to be freezing and trying to handle getting a blade off and on your van. Try the attachment system for yourself at the dealer so that you can see firsthand how straightforward or tough it is to utilize.
Most snowplow makers utilize a single halogen light bulb, which aren't bright enough ; some makers have come out with twin halogen bulbs with the choice of upgrading to high-intensity Discharge. These HID lights are 4 times brighter than standard halogen bulbs and also last 10 times as long.
Hydraulics are possibly the most vital part of the plow, together with the controls. Make certain that the hydraulics system is reliable and the controls are simple to use.
Go for quality since the old proverb, "you get what you pay for" definitely applies here.
When it comes down to the warranty be certain to know precisely what you are getting and what the warranty covers. Some only cover parts, while others cover parts and work. Guaranties are typically either one year or two years ; so focus on the warranty.
Take all these things into account when out shopping for a snowplow and you'll be ready to select the best one to suit your requirements.
Visit or email us at
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Information on Amber warning lights, led light bars and more

Amber caution lights are used for Snow Plowing, Application Work, and of coarse service Cars . If you are on the lookout for a tiny strobe light beacon or bright led caution light to put on the roof of your truck when plowing snow, or for construction and use applications, they're many various kinds for you to make a choice from in strobe and led light application.
The low upkeep advantages of LEDs made them more humdrum in emergency lighting products for truck applications.
Between their extended life capacities and low amp draw, they offer fleets a good ROI as well as not being forced to stress about them stop working when in need. The Led advantage is not just the low amperage draw but also the design of many small led in one light. The idea is if one of the tiny leds goes out that any lots more that may keep working in that one Led light system. In the Strobe light application. The LED strobe lamps are acceptable for construction, municipal, rural, snowplow, and plenty of other needed applications. There high-intensity lighting,is much stronger than the typical strobe heads, the LED ones save on cost and energy. They also are designed with a sturdy rubber housing to fight the results of corrosion. Another factor is the variable low and high profile design. Strobe beacons or alert lights can revolve 360 degrees. They designs can be found in different profiles from medium-profile to mini-strobe, and cool feature's for multiple user-selectable flash patterns. Some of the makers have even come out with swapping X pattern, alert strobe / turn signal lamp kit that is excellent for refuse cars and road upkeep clobber. The lamp flashes in a wavering X patterns. This product can be wired so that the lamps operate as turn signal lamps when the turn signal is turned on, then return to strobe function when the turn signal is canceled.
Nice feature and no change installation for the extra function.
Another function of the Led lights is the Mounting flexibility permits for installation in horizontal, vertical or in any 360-degree position. Some thing also to think about. The bottom line is LED are here for good and they're the new jargon word in the Caution light industry. If you want to see more info on style designs and pricing for LED caution lights go to.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
How make an ATV snowplow
even in the cold winter months. I could buy an atv snow plow, there are some great
designs on the market for my atv to use. But I just want to make one for my ATV maybe a sense of accomplishment I guess. Do you ever feel that way, especially with the snow coming.
Iwant to use my in the winter like I use it in the summer. So I want to outfit it for the winter, so here goes. My outfit will change my ATV into a ATV with a snowplow. No more will I use a snow shovel Now our ATV can be your winter
buddy all you need is a snow plow blade to make that happen.
There are some ready-made snow plow blades, but this might not be exactly made for your ATV. Therefore,before you can enjoy pushing the snow using your atv, we need to do some converting to the snow plow blade for it first.
Before you get to excited about this project,you need to check your garage to make sure you will have the tools you need to do this. here is a listSteel sheeting, with thickness at least ¼ inch. A 55-gallon steel drum is an alternative to this.
safety glasses, gloves,Cutting torch,Regular welder or gas arc,mig,Universal mount for snow blade,blade,Electric drill Grinder,Sander,paint, wrenches, bolts.
If you have all these items the lets go to the next phase of building a ATV snowplow
You will need a curve piece of metal for the plow blade you can by just the blade or
use an empty 55 gallon drum, you need to take marker and layout on the drum the size you are going to make you atv snow plow the cut it out it using the cutting torch,plasma cutter. Usually, you’ll have to cut it on half, lengthwise. But some cut only a small portion of the drum enough for it to plow the snow. After cutting, you should grind to smooth out the drum’s edges.
Meanwhile, if you will be using pieces of steel sheets, you’ll have to bend it so as it imitates the shape of the usual snow plow. When bending the steel sheet, decide first how thick you want the snow plow blade to be. Bend the steel sheet to your
desired measurement. It should be bended just enough for it to be a snow plow blade. If you wish to add thickness, you should bend more sheets the same as how you bended the first sheet Remember the arc of the curve affects the amount of snow roll
when plow, better to have more of a curve then lees of an arc. Always when finished smooth the atv plow edges with a grinder or sander. Now to make thing a little easier you can buy a set of atv universal mounts.
Look to see how the universal snow plow mounts will be attached to the ATV. The snow plow blade needs to have a bracket so that the mount can be attached to it. You need to fabricate a bracket for the atv snow plow blade. The bracket should be perfectly attached to the mount. Normally, the bracket will be attached to the blade’s center. Do some measurements to determine where the bracket should be located and what size this should be.
You can make brackets, by Using the left over steel for brackets. Bend it to the desired shape using the cutting torch. Most of the time brackets are usually triangular in shape. Check if the bracket is already enough for the mount. If it’s not, do some adjustments until you achieve the perfect-shaped bracket. Spot weld the bracket at first to see the location before a final weld. Attach the bracket to the perfect spot on the blade using welding equipment. Don’t forget to wear protective
gears when doing this. Or my suggestion for speed of the project, is to attach the universal ATV plow mount to the ATV.
Lay out and drill the proper holes on the ATV and the universal mount so it will perfectly fit to the vehicle. Attach the snow plow blade bracket to the universal mount and attach the atv plow . Now you are almost done, smooth out the finishes and apply primer and then exterior metal paint for a professional look. Like I said to make it easier on your self buy just the blade or just the mounts, if it makes it easier on you to complete the task of building your atv snowplow we also offer just the atv parts you need here at edgeolite.com.
Always stay safe while fabricating a snow plow blade for your ATV, wear protective gears and prioritize safety in your every move.
For more info Click Here
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Snow Plow Wings Make Them Or Buy Them

Snow Plow Wings Make Them Or Buy Them
Snow plow wing plows are manufactured by makers and here are simply a few, Henderson, Wausau. Etc Snowplow wings extensions or snow plow wing are manufactured by many firms like Director , Meyers, Western solely to name a couple. There are actually some benefits for purchasing and using this plow addition for when snow plowing. Most snow plow operators using snow plow wing extensions say they have cut their time down by 20-30%. I've also heard that they can be costly. But there are some universal plow wings for just about $200.00 rather than $1,000.00. You want to have a look at 1 or 2 they have got an a wide variety of styles and designs. Some plow operators put these wings on to act like a scoop while other operators add a straight wing to be an extension of your plow. These extension are typically good for parking lots and not narrow drives. The wing extensions are also know to help to stop snow trailing when cutting a curve. They make a much tidier broader cut leaving you with a better finish in less time.
I've found some videos from some actually talented welding shops that have put out these product for there plow with only costing them $40.00 in materials. That was for plow wings that they designed for there plow and these designs can change. But still they can be made for your plow with a little work.
The most important thing to remember if you're making these plow extensions is the application.
Fundamentally , you want to choose would you like to make the plow to be more broader or do you need a plow scoop, meaning you would angle the extension forward.
Remeber your snowplow manufactuerers specifications. You do not want to over load you your sinw cylinders, or hydrualic systems. Call you manufacturer if you are not sure, ask them if extension are ok for your model plow.
For more info CLICK HERE
Monday, November 22, 2010
Buying Plow Blades With Todays Changes

The numerous options for purchasing a snow blade is undeniably maybe a bit more complicated. In up to date decades the industry snowplow has changed noticeably. Industry has introduced many fresh products which make snow removal simpler, quicker andsafer. There are things that truly take under consideration in the models and sheet metal materials is made. The controls are simple to use for you, hydraulics are done well, are you wanting poly or steel. These are calls you make ahead. Snowplow blades also come in depreciation and multi-blade position. This is the best starting place, what type do you need or want. When you select this option, you should decide on the poly material is new and appears to be very fashionable, is as robust as steel stripes aren't due to saturation of multi-surface across the plow and they don't rust. It marks the plow is with light to try and get a plow with an easy assembly of the HID are brighter and last for longer even standard halogen.
There different styles to determine if it is straightforward to wing plow extensions and so on. It's very important to be certain that the hydraulic system are trusty and so the controls are easy to utilize. There are many ways to to find answers online to see the comments on the snow plow workshop forums, there are queries and answers for issue's to shoot any questions to say much regarding problems with plows and plenty of advice to purchase. Also be certain to have a look at some safety gear and safety reflectors that may be added to your snowplow and snowplow blade to enhance visibility and safety on dark roads.
Click Here for more info
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Why Use Snow Deflector On A Plow?
Rubber snow deflector helps to lower the snow from the windshield while snow plowing . They play an important role in the visibility and security of winter roads. Rubber deflectors can be available in any length or width can be customized. The use of this device is not mandatory, but it is certainly the greatest good for snow plow operators once it is installed on your snow plow The rubber flap is made of a material hardness skirt board is usually around 60 durometer. The deflector are very resistant to wear and weather resistant. The concept gives the plow driver the ability to see while plowing by not allowing the snow from the plow hit the windshield.
They are also other NEW items that you can add to your deflector. The Edge-O-Lite, LED lights or reflectors are a great addition to install on your snow plow, or deflectors They are very durable to weather and wear resistant. There are different applications to use this special led ,reflectors on, and they are specifically made for a snow plow application with shock resistant materials, not like regular led truck, plow lights
They bring you deflector great Bling , stand out amongst the other plow companies It is a collision prevention systems products help keep all the roads safer dark winter. Like many of the snow, operators and contractors to avoid this winter, it is important to be better equipped with the best accessories and products to protect you and other drivers safer at night or in reduced visibility in winter. It 's very important that drivers and equipment operators are the safest atmosphere of winter maintenance, especially in the dark rural roads.
Snow plow deflectors LED are only available here at Edgeolite. These are not normal led plow lights. These are custom made , shock resistant to withstand high vibration of snow plowing.
Get your set today and stand out above your competition
Get your set NOW! We only made so much of this special LED light for this year, when they are gone they are gone GO HERE
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Used Snow Plows -Read -Before you buy
Because,customers, do not like to be informed that their driveway won’t be ready for them to go to work because your truck broke down. So keep that in mind,when you are looking for a used snow plow truck that's for sale. You have to check out all the major components. Also run the plow makes sure everything works as it is supposed to. The other thing to think about is the brand of the truck you buy. Yes that’s right. Do not buy a snowplow truck that is a special model, because, when you need to get a part for it, you could have to wait a few days,specialty parts usually are not in stock. Remember the auto parts stores stock what sells best not what doesn’t.
The next thing to consider if you are subcontracted by a municipality. The work is not start and stop type of plowing, the workis usually continuous plowing on town road ways. They will usually give you a certain section in your town to plow. When you are looking at snowplows for sale, you again want to keep this in mind. The plow size is important. You do not want a six foot snowplow, you will want a truck with an 8’ foot snowplow blade and with a rubber deflector. Good luck trying to plow aroadway with out a snowplow deflector on it at 30 mph or better. If you are looking at snowplow's for-sale this is what you want to keep in mind.
When looking at a used plow truck you should pre-trip the truck first and that should cover all lights, tires ect. Then get on your creeper and start looking underneath check drive shafts, brake lines, cooler lines, wiring harness, fuel tank straps,exhaust and exhaust hangers, and check for fluid leaks. DO this inspection with the engine cold and then at operating temperature.
When you are finished with that task than cycle the plow many times not just once or twice why?, because, it takes a few cycles to warm up the hydraulic oil in snowplows system. That is usually when the seals so wear and start to leak, andneed to be replaced. After the inspection, if everything seems up to snuff and in good working order then make the seller a fair offer. Try not to wait to long, because if the truck is in good shape and everything is fine someone will buy it. Time is money you do no want to spend the plow season looking for a truck, especially if you found what you are looking for.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Snow Plow Wings or Plow Blade Extensions, Do and How They Work
Snow Plow Wings or Plow Blade Extensions, Do They and How They Work
“To Buy or Not To Buy”
The snow plow wing extension, or snow plow blade wings are technically different then a snowplow wing. The ones that are being used on the highway trucks are wing plows and technically snow plow extensions are what I believe are used on smaller plows to add much more width to the same plow. Where wing plows are a total additional plow to the truck plowing system.
Snow plow wing plows are made by manufacturers and here are just a few, Henderson, Wausau. etc…Snowplow wings extensions or snow plow wing are made by many companies like Boss, Meyers, Western just to name a few. There are certainly some advantages for buying and using this plow addition for when snow plowing.
Most snow plow operators using snow plow wing extensions say they have cut their time down by 20-30%. I have also heard that they can be pricey . But there are some universal plow wings for around $200.00 instead of $1,000.00. You need to look at a few they have a wide range of styles and designs.
Some plow operators put these wings on to act like a scoop while other operators add a straight wing to be an extension of your plow. But, these extension are generally good for parking lots and not narrow driveways. The wing extensions are also know to help stop snow trailing when cutting a curve. They make a much cleaner wider cut leaving you with a better finish in less time.
I have found some videos from some really skilled welding shops that have put out these product for there plow with only costing them $40.00 in materials. That was for plow wings that they designed for there plow and these designs can vary. But still they can be made for your plow with a little work. The main thing to keep in mind if you are going to make these plow extensions is the application. Basically , you need to decide do you want to make the plow to be more wider or do you want a plow scoop, meaning you would have to angle the extension forward.
If you want more information on these snowplow extension and other plow article and ideas go here complete the email form on this page
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Buying A Used Snow Plow Truck, Know What To Look For
If your looking for a used snowplow truck to buy. That’s fine and its cost a lot less then a new one. Is it really? That all depends on what you are doing with it and what you are looking at to buy.
Well the first thing you should think about if you are looking to buy a used snowplow truck, is what are you going to do with it? Will the snowplow truck be used for your driveway? Will it be used for a residential snowplow account, mainly driveway work?. Or are you subcontracted and have commercial accounts or by a municipality for snow removal on major road ways.
Having the answer to this questions is a major factor. For the first application if you are plowing just your own driveway then an older snowplow truck that is being retired is fine, as long as all the major components work proper like the brakes, 4 wd, and the snowplow it self. If you will be doing some residential work you want to then thoroughly check out the whole snowplow truck prior to purchasing because now that truck is your reputation and people are dependent on you and your service.
Most Homeowners would not like to be told their driveway will not be ready for them to go to work because your truck broke down. So when if you are looking for a snowplow truck for sale you want to check out all the major components. Also run the plow make sure everything is working as it is suppose to. The other thing to keep in mind the brand of the truck,. you do not want to buy a snowplow truck that is a special model because you will feel the pain when you need to get a part for it and you have to wait a few days instead of being in stock. Remember the auto parts stores stock what sells best not what doesn’t.
Well the next thing to consider is if you are subcontracted by a municipality, this job usually is being paid by the hour for your snowplow truck and you. Remember, this is not start and stop type of plowing this is usually continuous plowing on town road ways. The town will usually give you a certain section in your town to plow. When looking for snowplows for sale , you again want to keep this in mind.
For this type of plowing you do not want a six foot snowplow, you will want a truck with an 8’ foot snowplow blade and with a rubber deflector. Good luck trying to plow a roadway with out a snowplow deflector on it at 30 mph or better. If you are looking at a truck or snowplows for sale this is what to look at, be sure again to pre-trip the truck and that re-trip should cover all lights, tires etc.. Then get on your creeper and start looking underneath check drive shafts, brake lines, cooler lines, wiring harness, fuel tank straps, exhaust and exhaust hangers, and be sure to check for fluid leaks. DO this inspection with the engine cold and then at operating temperature.
Then after dong all that cycle the plow many times not just once or twice why?, because, it takes a few cycles to warm up the hydraulic oil in the snowplows system and then that’s usually when the seals start to leak, and need to be replaced. After the inspection, if everything seems fine and in good working order then make the seller a fair offer. Try not to wait to long, because if the truck is in good shape and everything is fine someone will buy it. Time is money you do no want to spend the plow season looking for a truck especially if you found what you are looking for. I will come out with more on this topic on our snowplow Blog in the mean, time happy hunting.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Snowplow lighting laws- Its HERE,Edgeolite

Well this should be easy to answer. I will just type this question into Google and have my answer, well not exactly.
If you are looking for answers on snowplow lighting laws or yellow roof lights you really need to do a little
Investigating. But wait is there a Law? Because, I do not see all plow trucks with a yellow light on the top of there vehicle roof.
How are you going to find out what your requirements are if any. The failure to properly prepare your truck is your first mistake and to just go out and start plowing, with out any knowledge of what safety lighting you need is just plain foolish.
There is no problem until somebody hits you, because they did not see your vehicle. Now, the few driveways you wanted to plow to make some extra money, has just became a major problem.
Why because you were negligent, you did not do your homework. You did not investigate to make sure your vehicle had the proper safety lighting on it, so now you have caused an accident while plowing. I ‘m not lawyer, but I try to keep in mind other people and how, what I do can effect them. Being a service provider like snowplowing you need to think along these lines. Other vehicles on the road will not think for you, that’s for sure and half the times you have to dodge them but that’s is part of the game. Now drivers pay less attention to driving because they are on the phone, texting and so on, we all see it every day on the road. So if you are going to snowplow you need to find out your laws for lighting as well as snow plowing.
The best place to find this answer is to search for the DOT for your state. The Department of Transportation website, should have the guidelines for snowplowing and snowplow lighting. Remember, because of the different type’s of winter storm area’s, the DOT guidelines change so you have to go by the state you are snowplowing in. This is very important. So when it comes to what are your snowplow requirements you should be able to find your answers at the DOT website. Happy snowplowing, remember Edgeolite is always trying to keep you safe. For more snowplowing article go to our blog here
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Used snowplow, Find them now
start to hear people saying they will buy new plow next year. Maybe, you have acquired more snow work this year and you are looking for a used back up plow. The first thing I would start looking locally in the used equipment guide and on the internet sites for used equipment, check out the prices. One site that is interesting is the Snowplow News Site, Hats off to this Veteran for offering Some seriously unique equipment.
Another site ,I found that handles a large amount of used snowplow equipment is the TrucknTrailer site ,again they have a vast amount of used equipment. But the only problems with used plows is the location, providing these companies are not to far away from you, they are a great resource for used snow plow equipment. However, they may also have an alternative to get the plows delivered to you for a low cost.
But before you start looking for used equipment you really need to do a little home work on what plow will service what you need. What type of application are you using the snowplow for? Highway, small driveway, parking lots? You also want to
keep in mind the carrying capacity of your front end on your snowplow truck. The other thing I try to do is to keep all my plow the same brand. It is much easier to service and get parts. Instead of having to go to many different places to get parts
You can mainly shop at one.
Used snowplow can also be at highway and construction auctions. There you can get some good deals but the down side to that is some piece can only be check by looking at the unit instead of inspecting it by cycling the hydraulics system, and you know they usually pressure wash the equipment before the Auction so you do not know what was leaking and what wasn’t.
So the bottom line to buying a used snowplow is know what you want before you start looking for it, keep in mind it is also important to buy you equipment from reliable source. Edgeolite will be doing more reporting on used snowplow equipment
If you want copy of this articles fill out the form on this blog. For more info go here
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Snow plow wings, Do they work?
But everybody has a different interpretation at that there’s business. Snow plow wing plows are made by manufacturers and here are just a few. Henderson, Wausau. etc…Snowplow wings extensions or snow plow wing are made by Boss, Meyers, Western just to name a few. They are certainly some advantages for using this plow addition when snow plowing
Snow plow wing extension I heard people say they have cut there time down by 20-30% I have also heard that they are
can be pricey . But they are some universal plow wings for around $200.00 instead of $1,000.00 Some plow operators put these wing on to too act like a scoop while other operators add a straight wing to be an extension of your plow. These extension are generally good for parking lots and not narrow driveways. The wing extension are also know to help stop snow trailing when cutting an a curve. They make a cleaner wider cut leaving you with a better finish in less time.
I have found some videos from some really skilled welding shops that have put out these product for there plow with
only costing them $40.00 in materials. That was for plow wings that they designed for there plow and these designs can vary.
But still they can be made for your plow with a little work. The main thing to keep in mind if you are going to make these
Plow extensions is they application. Basically , do you want to to make the plow more wider or do you want a plow scoop, meaning you would have to angle the extension forward.
If you want more information on these snowplow extension and other plow article and ideas go here CLICK HERE
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Snow plow pumps Edgeolite ,What’s the difference
The cables and hoses were run through the grill to the plow frame in front of the vehicle. It work well until the belts
started to get worn or you were idling, then the plow would move slower then normal. Why? because the pump pressure was lower at the time. The pump was usually produced a set amount of output pressure and the pressure adjustment was on the outside of the truck on the valve body on some models. The control were activated mechanically from the cables in the cab. We did not use DC voltage to move the plow at all, except for the plow lights obviously. You are probably wondering were am I going with this?
I will tell you, the new style pumps and controls are usually not mounted a part from each other in most models. Those cable are now gone and you use dc current to control the plow , through you remote control or mounted joy stick. So basically how does this work. The pump and hydraulic valves are on the same unit so there is instant pressure, no delay for pressure to go from the pump out side to the controls. The valves are the solenoids that control where the fluid goes in the valve body
to activate the cylinder you need to weather it is up, down, left ,right, and so on. But in order for all this to happen as quick as it does ,it is all working from the truck electrical system. The plow pump is not run off of the engine belts, it is run of the electrical system and that takes some strong amperage.
So knowing all that I just explained to you what pump system would be more prone to more maintenance . The old belt style or the new electrical pump systems? In my opinion the older system needed less maintenance, but did not perform as fast as the New systems of today’s plows. Not that being said. I would do a quick inspection prior to a night going out to plow.
Since everything is electrically operated I would check the all the connections to make sure they are snug and coated with dieelctric grease for anti corrosive applications. I would check the battery connections and also check the grounds these seems to be ignored to many times. It is also a good idea to make sure you have the proper fluid level in your pump and the fluid is clean, with no water in it. Some plows allow you to check this level on the truck. I hope this give you a better understanding of how your snow plow pump operates.
For more information on snowplow pumps and equipment Join Edgeolites Free monthly new letter today. Click Here Now
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Hazmat or cdl practice test
A truck driving job – It is possible for people as young as 18 to secure a high paying and rewarding career. Be aware however, that if you are between the ages of 18 and 21, you will be restricted to driving within your own state. But once you turn 21 you can then drive throughout the United States and of coarse , across state lines.. Some trucking companies don’t even care if you have a school education. What they do want is that you possess a Commercial Drivers License – commonly referred as a CDL.
Truck driving – You should be aware that you will have to pass the CDL Test. This is a test that all applicants must take and pass. After you have passed this test, you will want to take the Air Brakes endorsement, if you want to drive a truck with air brakes. To get a feel for some of the questions that you will see on the test you should take a CDL practice test
Many companies will be looking to add you to their employment list and reward you for your education and experience.
However, truck drivers jobs can have a high turn over rate. Do to different reasons. You want to check the company turn over rate before applying for a job.
Please be aware that more than 400,000 people fail the CDL written test each year. So you can say , This is not an easy test and the States are changing the questions and answers continually. You need to get current on the laws and regulations regarding the trucking industry if you want to have any chance of passing the test. Look into sites and blogs like Edgeolite site. In order to pass you have to score at least an 80% to pass these tests. Many States like to throw tricky and confusing questions to the applicants to ensure that they have the minimum sufficient knowledge.
Before you take a CDL test, review and practice similar test items first. This way, you will have a good idea of what subject will be covered on the CDL test. The most convenient place where you can find a CDL sample test is in your living room – on the web.
I have found several websites on the Internet that offer you free sample tests.. This is a great place to start if you want to take a Free CDL Practice Test. Type the search in google and you will find information on hazmat, air brake, tanker, doubles and triples, passenger and combination tests. If you want to increase your income potential and you will have a large opportunity to work for many different companies, it is highly recommended that you and pass many of these optional endorsements. Most trucking job ,the drivers pay is based on miles the more that is involved in the delivery the higher rate
Per mile.
Here are few links to help you get started in Hazmat practice test. Stay tune to Edgeolites blog to receive more information on this topic
Here is a link that should help you click on Edgeolite CDL hazmat practice test
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Thursday, January 14, 2010
You can check truck brakes,Now easily

A in exspensive truck brake adjustement guide. 5 minutes and install it on your truck.
There is a great little tool that is on the market. Maybe a little pricey but it is worth having on your truck It can pay for itself, saving you, from one ticket.
Simply put, these easy to install brake adjuster indicators tell you within a minute wheather your brakes are out of Service.
What did you say: You do not need this because you have automatic self adjusting slacks. Well I hate to break the news to you but automatic slacks can fail and be out of adjustment like manuel slack adjusters.
Most drivers probably do not know that. The DOT FMCSA Regulations require vehicles to be equipped with brake adjustment indicators that conform to the requirements of Federal Commercial Vehicle Standard 121.
This indicator meets that requirement!and you can get a discount on ordering
for your fleet.
The DOT is not going away anytime soon, and neither is out of service violation. So why worry about out of service ticket when this little item can keep you out of trouble and safe at the same time.
This also gives you something to go by.If the DOT is ins question about your brake adjustment you can show them quickly the distance that the rod moves just by putting on the parking brake.
So it does not hurt to have a little gauge to keep you from an out of service ticket.
More importantly keeping you safe on the road
For More
information Click here Get a discount on this Brake Inspection Guide.
Now watch this video below,
Remember Edgeolite is always trying to keep you informed with new device coming to market . That can make your job a little easier
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Snow plow Abs Brake system-How does it work?
ABS) means antilock brake system , which is a safe and effective braking system. (ABS ) gives the driver the ability to maintain directional stability, control over steering, and in some situations, to help reduce stopping distances during emergency braking situation, particularly on wet and slippery or icy road surface. To gain this safety advantage, drivers NEED TO learn how to operate their ABS correctly. You want to make sure to read the owners manual of the vehicle you drive that is equipped with the ABS system. . ABS simply keeps your base brakes from locking up. In vehicles not equipped with ABS, the driver can manually pump the brakes to prevent wheel lockup
What does the ABS do to my brakes
What ABS does is very similar to a person pumping the brakes. It automatically changes the brake pressure in your truck's brake lines to maintain maximum brake performance just before locking up the wheels. ABS does this very rapidly with electronics impulses in your brake system.
Why should I think it is important ?
As you know when your brakes lock up on wet and icy or slippery roads or at other times ,during a panic stop, you lose steering control and your vehicle can spin. Rear wheel ABS prevents wheel lockup so that your car stays in a straight line. If your car has ABS control on all four wheels, you also keep steering control. If you have steering control, it is possible to avoid a crash by steering around hazards if a complete stop cannot be accomplished in time So that’s why you should consider this a very important brake feature. When driving you may experience a rapid pulsation of the brake pedal--almost as if the brakes are pushing back at you. Sometimes the pedal could suddenly drop. Also, the valves in the ABS controller may make a noise that sounds like grinding or buzzing. In some cars you may feel a slight vibration--this means the ABS is working. It is important NOT to take your foot off the brake pedal when you hear noise or feel pulsations, but instead continue to apply firm pressure. Not all Abs systems are the same so make sure you read the ABS section in your vehicles owners manual.
For more information on this topic. You can stay posted to the Edgeolite blog or sign up for our FREE monthly newsletter
Need snowplow lights click here
Saturday, January 2, 2010
TRUCK led lights - How to rate them By Edgeolite

Why buy Led lights for my truck or car? Well. led lights are semiconductors, just like a computer chip in you r computer . When voltage is passed through them, they emit energy in the form of light. They are made with certain chemicals, that determine their light color. leds convert the majority of voltage passed through them to light, as opposed to other incandescent bulbs that produce light by energy heating them. But led can be up to 90% more efficient than traditional truck filament light bulbs
What s the cost to you? They can be more expensive than the traditional truck bulbs. But if you shop online you can get them for a fair price. The led light last a lot longer and use less voltage from the batteries. But most of all they are far more reliable then the old style filament bulbs. They run cooler and use less energy to work. They generally are sealed units so you do have to take tem apart and clean the sockets like you do some times with filament bulbs. I guess you can say it means less down time. When you are trucking time is money you do not want any down time.
Led rating: originally when LED bulbs came out there were no real standards, manufacturers would claim lifetimes of 100,000 hours with no real testing. Since then the standard has been to scale back to 50,000 hours so as not to over-state claims. (Beware of bulbs that are rated at 100,000 hours unless they state specifically Why they are rated at so high I would be wary of trusting this rating).Many of the manufacturers producing their 3rd generation LED bulbs are now starting to be more conservative and rating their bulbs at 35,000 hours, having gotten test results back from 1-2 years of testing. Rated at 35,000 hours, you can rest assured the manufacturer is not overstating their claims. Anything more than 50,000 hours... buyer beware or it could be BS.
The led lifespan led bulb may continue to be useful for several thousand hours past its stated lifetime. Unlike old-fashioned light bulbs, it is extremely rare for an led light to simply burn out. Rather, it will gradually fade over time, as the little diode start to fade ,but your truck light is still visible to on coming cars unlike filament bulbs that just quit.
How do you compare the led bulbs to each other? There are quite a few websites like our “Edgeolite.com” online that you can buy led bulbs. The problem is "how do you compare one bulb to another?" A quick way to do this is to calculate the lumens/watt, or , the total amount of light you get from the amount of electricity you put in. This is done by simply dividing the bulbs wattage by the stated number of lumens. Anything over 50 lumens/watt is good at the moment. 75 lumens/watt is very good while 100 lumens/watt is excellent. Keep in mind this is just a general comparison - some bulbs may be rated as brighter or dimmer than this.
At least this article gives you an idea of the measurement used for led lights. The other measurement I would use is the quality of the led light you buy. Is it designed to withstand the vast changes in the weather from being in the cold and wet to being extremely hot and dry. The quality of the lenses of the outer led is also something to consider and also the ability to mount it on your truck.
If you are interested in more information on this topic or would like to see the Edgeolite led lights simply click here. http://www.edgeolite.com/led-trucklights.html
Friday, January 1, 2010
Warning lights, led light, What do you need to know?
The low maintenance benefits of LEDs have made them more commonplace in emergency lighting products for truck applications. Between their extended life capabilities and low amp draw, they offer fleets a good ROI as well as not having to worry about them stop working when in need. The Led advantage is not only the low amperage draw but also the design of many little led in one light. The concept is if one of the little leds goes out that any many more that will continue working in that one Led light system.
In the Strobe light application. The LED strobe lamps are suitable for construction, municipal, agricultural, snowplow, and many other needed applications. There high-intensity lighting ,is much stronger than the conventional strobe heads, the LED ones save on cost and energy. They are also designed with a durable rubber housing to resist the effects of corrosion. Another factor is the variable high and low profile design.
Strobe beacons or warning lights can rotate 360 degrees. They designs are available in different profiles from medium-profile to mini-strobe, and cool feature’s for multiple user-selectable flash patterns. Some of the manufacturers have even come out with alternating “X” pattern, warning strobe/turn signal lamp kit that's ideal for refuse vehicles and highway maintenance equipment. The lamp flashes in an alternating “X” patterns. This product can be wired so the lamps operate as turn signal lamps when the turn signal is activated, then return to strobe function when the turn signal is canceled. Nice feature and no change installation for the additional function. Another function of the Led lights is the Mounting flexibility allows for installation in horizontal, vertical or in any 360-degree position. Some thing also to consider.
The bottom line is LED are here to stay and they are the new buzz word in the Warning light industry. If you would like to see more information on style designs and pricing for LED warning lights go to
warning lights bars , amber warning lights ,strobe light for truck,
Led Light bar, Installing is a easy process by Edgeolite
It looks cool on the back and adds some more lighting for the drivers behind you.
But you are wondering how complicated is it to install your led light bar on your truck? You need
some idea because you are not sure you want get into something very complicated.
We here at Edgeolite sellers of led truck lights, we came out with this simple installation article to help you in your decision making process for putting a led light bar on the back of your truck. The article is just to give you an idea of the basic installation process for the rear led light bar , but the installation can vary from truck to truck. You should go by the manufactures installation guide for installing your led light.
Here are they basics for installing a rear LED light bar mounted underneath the tailgate on the rear of your truck.
This light bar is used as an addition to the rear tail lights in all functions: parking lamp illumination, stop lamps, turn signals lights. The average weekend mechanic can wire an LED light bar into the trucks towing adapter plug in about ½ hour-1hr..
Look under the truck to find the towing adapter harness usually to the left under the rear bumper, up on the rear frame rail. If you truck is equipped with a tow plug, or at least the wires tucked up into the frame or body for this use, as the standard wiring harness from the manufacturer. Cut back the wire loom to see the color wire then strip them the wires to expose about an inch of core copper for each wire.
Then attach the led light to the truck on the back of the bed floor below the tail gate. Using what ever the manufacturer instructs you to use to attach to the truck. Make sure the led wires are in the same area the truck
wiring harness that you previously striped.
Now using butt connectors attach the same color wire form the led light to the same color on the truck harness. (Note I like to use shrink tube on all my connection to make sure there is no moisture in my connections) Then wrap each connection with electrical tape one at time as each connection is made. Remember to follow the wiring direction from the manufacturer of the light, but this information here should be close again to give you a good idea of the work involved in installing a led light bar.
Then run a test and make sure all led light is working with the rest of your vehicles lights. If everything is fine. Now go a head and attach the new wires and wiring harness up to the truck frame in a neat fashion using plastic wire ties. Make sure there is nothing that will rub through the wiring
If you would like more information on led light bar design s and discount pricing see us at led light brake light bar